‘….Even so, come, Lord Jesus’
Revelation 22:20
Some of the most striking prayers are those which express the collective desire of the Church of Christ. We may not all agree on church governance or matters such as baptism but surely all of God’s people long for that final and glorious day of His return. It is fitting that the last few sentences in the Bible’s final book are those which reveal that yearning. How about you Christian – do you look for such things? Peter reminds the Christian that ‘we according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness (2 Peter 3:13,14). Fuelled by such blessed hope there is then this one word burning cry in our hearts, ‘come’.
A desire which is expressed because of a promise
Peter (as already mentioned) touched on ‘according to his promise’ in his second letter. This is helpful and safe ground when it comes to our praying and seeking God. The desires the Lord puts into our hearts when it comes to prayer are those which are patterned after His own promise to the church. No greater example is given in the Bible than what we have in this verse. It is our great Saviour who says, ‘Surely I come quickly’. While this timeframe may not seem quick to us, yet when we factor in that a day or a thousand years make no difference to God – it is easy to see why He spoke of His second coming as ‘quickly’. This has an immediate impact on the church; our praying must have this sense of urgency about it. Do we pray like this – urgently, concisely and passionately? God’s promises enable us to do so.
A focus which is encouraged because of this promise
How many trials does the church endure or as the hymn writer puts it, ‘have we trials and temptations?’ Such can deprive us of biblical focus. That needed focus is revealed to us here at the end of a a book which itself is often the centre of much debate. The fault lay not in the book itself but in people. Revelation begins with a timely reminder that it is a Revelation of Jesus Christ. It closes with that same intention – to reveal Jesus Christ to the soul. With so much about today which can distract us in prayer, let us get back to that holy longing for His return and so pray with many others, ‘come, Lord Jesus’.